Friday, February 4, 2011

Bedroom Camping - February 4th, 2011

This is one of the rare weekends that we didn't have any outside plans. We like to take advantage of these weekends have special moments with the kiddos. Tonight, Daddy had the great idea to set up a fort/tent in Ethan's room and have a campout watching a movie and eating smores. It was such a great idea, even Becca joined in the fun.

the awesome fort that daddy built!

mmmmm.... smores......

Watching Beauty and the Beast

The kiddos didn't make it through the whole movie, but it was a great family evening for everyone.

Wishful Thinking... February 4th, 2011

In honor of Superbowl Weekend, it was Jersey day at school today, so the kids dressed up in their Sunday best!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Out of order...

Ok, obviously I am new to the whole blogging stuff, but I have no idea why some of my posts are out of order.... so, I apologize for the confusion, but they are all dated, so that should help somewhat with the confusion...

Movie Night - January 30th, 2011

This past Sunday night we had movie night in our bed. We watched Cars, one of the new Disney movies I bought for the kids this last week.  As ususal, the camera is never far away and I can't resist capturing their smiling faces!

Different but the same... - January 27th, 2011

Becca Bear - January 27th, 2011 - 8 1/2 months

As compared to the Ethan Bear - November 16th, 2008 - 8 months

Tell me that these two don't look EXACTLY the same... 

Bath Night x 2 - February 3rd, 2011

Chris had to work late tonight. It was already Ethan's bath night, but after looking at this face -

"Mommy, do I have anything on my face??"
I decided that it was DEFINITELY bath night for Miss Becca too....

Since I only had one set of hands and two kiddos in need of a good scrub, a group bath was the order of the evening...

Success!! Look at those clean faces!!


My handsome little boy!

Becca's First Ponytail - January 31st, 2011

Even though it's just a few strands, this Mommy is very excited that her baby girl finally has enough hair to put into a cute little top-knot ponytail!


I had to run downstairs to put Becca's food together for daycare, leaving Ethan watching a show and Becca hanging out on the floor. When I came back upstairs, I walked in on Ethan giving Becca snuggles in her lap and her rubbing his back... seriously... the sweetest kids EVER!!!