Friday, September 9, 2011

And she's off!!! - September 9th, 2011

We were all so excited when we saw Becca standing on her own the other night that we knew it would be any day before she was walking, but I didn't think it would be SO soon, so we were all quite surprised when she took 3-5 steps on her own a few times tonight... The video is a bit dark, but you get the idea.... :-)

Ignore the excited screams at the end... I'm a mom... it's my job to get overly excited about the small things...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Standing! - September 7th, 2011

Look who's standing!!! She's getting SOOOO close to walking...

She's so proud!

I LOVE this coy little face. This is a new little look she gets when she KNOWS she's being cute. 
It is the cutest!

A Day at the Zoo - September 3rd, 2011

A day at the zoo is always a hit when we have visitors in town. This past week Coco came down from Boston to visit, so we decided to make the trip to DC for a fun day seeing the animals. We got to the zoo nice and early and were surprised to see all of the activity that we usually don't get to see. The Sloth Bear was out, we were able to see the Leopard, and the Panda was taking a nap out in the open and it wasn't crowded yet, so we were able to get a great view. We had some showers that started as we were eating lunch, but it didn't last too long so we were able to continue our visit and view the gorillas, lions and tigers. This is the first time that Becca has been to the zoo where she has been alert enough to really enjoy it, so that was really fun to see.

Hibachi Night - August 19th, 2011

As a "thank you" for staying with us while their house got built, my parents took us out to our local Japanese Steakhouse for Hibachi and Sushi. As always, it is a total experience with the food presentation and the kids loved it. The fire was a BIG hit. Ethan even caught the flying shrimp in his mouth!