Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Soccer - April 2nd, 2011

The moment I found out I was pregnant with a boy, Chris has dreamed of teaching his son how to play soccer. Ethan got a soccer goal and ball for his 2nd birthday and back in September he spent the afternoon kicking around with him in the field behind our house.

So, when I saw the Loudoun Soccer flyer at daycare, I knew I had to sign Ethan up for the Spring session. He is playing "Mini Soccer", which has to be the cutest thing you've ever seen!

At his age, they don't have teams or play real games, they are just learbing the skills. Basically it is chaos... The 3 years olds basically just run around and the parents try to keep them contained to their field... it's like herding cats... They play games like Red Light, Green Light and Bumper Balls and run around the field, etc.

The best part is that while there is a parent coach and assistant coach, the league has assigned a real soccer player to lead the sessions. I expected him to just go through the drills and let the parent coaches take over, but he is SO good with the kids and is fully engaged with them all having fun.

Ethan is having a great time and we are having fun watching him love it so much.

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