Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Trains and Cows - October 31st, 2011

This year Ethan requested that he wanted to be James the Train for Halloween. I didn't like any of the ready-made costumes I saw online, so I did some more searching and found a great website that had some pictures of homemade train costumes and sent it to my parents to see if they thought they could put something together. What they came up with was amazing. Needless to say, Ethan LOVED it. He was the talk of the school parade and the neighborhood that we went trick-or-treating in. Becca was the cutest little cow you've ever seen!

When Becca had finished her little party in her class, she came down to Ethan's and was more than happy to help him out with his plate of goodies... And Ethan is the best big brother and was more than happy to share with her... I love these kids of mine! 

Unfortunately Chris had to be out of town this year for Halloween, but we are fortunate enough to have some great friends in both Ethan and Becca's classes that we were able to spend the evening with for dinner and a fun night trick-or-treating. 

We have this same picture of Ethan and Penelope from last year. They are best buds!

Happy Halloween!!!

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