Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas - December 25th, 2011

Santa came!!

Evident by Santa's footprints by the front door...

A ballpit/tent left for Becca and a 'Mater bike left for Ethan...

and lastly a big kid table left in the kitchen for them both!

Ethan creeping down the stairs Christmas morning.
Becca is on the stairs behind him but a bit apprehensive due to all of the excitement... 

Ethan had to try out Becca's tent first....

then he noticed the bike... and it was all over... :-)

He made few laps around the living room before even thinking about touching anymore of the presents. 

Becca finally discovered her tent and loved it as much as Ethan loved his bike!

A harmonica and drum from the kids' Aunt Jennifer

Becca's love, 'Mater!

Mommy got a new scarf!

Mima got a new computer!

Riding on her new Sit & Spin

Trying out the new iPad!

Becca's all dressed up in one of her new outfits

Testing out his new wheels out on the basketball court

Becca has now inherited Ethan's old tricycle.

My new scarf goes perfect with my new haircolor! 

Ethan and Grandma reading his new books

Becca enjoying all of her new toys...

especially her tent!

Christmas Dinner
Coriander and Mustard crusted beef roast, rigatoni with cauliflower garlic cream sauce, roasted vegetables and gravy. Pumpkin Cheesecake with homemade whipped cream (not pictured).

 The morning after Christmas enjoying their new table.

What a wonderful Christmas we all had together as a family. We are all very blessed and grateful.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Eve - December 24th, 2011

As is our tradition, we made sugar cookies on Christmas Eve for Santa. This year Becca was big enough to get in on the fun, and boy, did she ever! She liked putting her hands in the flour on the counter and then rubbing it on her face. Ethan decided to follow suit and a great time was had by all!

taking a quick bike ride while waiting for the cookies to bake

Becca had to taste-test the frosting and sprinkles for quality control...

The proud little bakers!

Before bedtime, the kiddos got all dressed up in their best Santa pajamas and let me take a couple quick shots before we all sat on the couch and read The Night Before Christmas and Polar Express with Mima, Papa, Grandma, Mommy, Daddy, Ethan and Becca. Then it was off to bed for the kiddos while we prepped for the following morning.