Saturday, January 21, 2012

Happy New Year!! - December 31st, 2011-January 1st, 2012

What a wonderful year this has been. Both of the kids have grown so much over the last year and continue to bring us endless amounts of joy each and every day. We are lucky to have such a wonderful family and to be able to have our kids spend time with their grandparents as much as they do.

New Year's Eve was Grandma's last evening in town, so before she went to the airport, we took some nice pictures of her and the kidlets. 

The kiddos spent New Year's Eve at Mima and Papa's house with their cousin Byron and their Aunt Amy & Uncle Daniel while Chris and I spent the evening out with some friends. The next day we joined everyone out at their house and spent the first day of the new year together with everyone. We spent the day playing at the playground out back, watching football and Mom and I made dinner with the traditional New Year's Day Black-Eyed Peas. After dinner, we got all of the kids in their jammies and sat them down to get a nice picture of the cousins together. Then everyone burned off the last of their energy running through the house with Papa before we headed home for the night.

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