How is it possible that THIS little baby...
is now FOUR YEARS OLD????
I always say that the day Ethan was born is the day our lives changed forever, for the better. It is still true, to this very day. Every day that this wonderful child has been in our lives have been the BEST days of my life. Being his mom is the best job I have ever, and will ever, have. I am so proud of every challenge he takes on and overcomes with nothing but a positive attitude and a smile on his face. He is the silliest, sweetest, and most wonderful boy I know.
Birthdays are a big deal in our family and the person celebrating always deserves to have the best day possible. This year, Chris was going to be gone on the day of his birthday, so I pulled double duty to make sure it was a great day for Ethan. We all got up bright and early to take Daddy to the airport, then we made a 6am trip to Wegman's, in our PJ's, for birthday bagels, cupcakes for his classroom party and balloons.
We dropped Becca off at school and then we went and had a special Birthday Breakfast at Panera.
After breakfast he headed to school with his cupcakes and had a little party in his class with his friends. After school, we came home and called Daddy and Grandma so they could wish him a Happy Birthday and then Skyped with Oma and Grandad. Mima came over brought some awesome blueberry cupcakes that she had made for his special day.
I asked Ethan what he wanted for his special Birthday dinner and he explicitly stated that he wanted Blueberry Pancakes and Bacon. I found a great recipe online for birthday cake pancakes that use cake mix and sprinkles in the batter, so I added some blueberries to it and we all had pancakes for dinner.
Then it was time to sing "Happy Birthday" and blow out the candles on his cupcakes.
Ethan has ALWAYS eaten his cupcakes like this... I have no idea why... :-)
Time to open presents
After presents we went for a quick bike ride down to the basketball court, per the Birthday Boy's request.
I am pretty confident that he had a pretty special day, but I know it couldn't possible be half as special as he has made every day for me since he came into my life.