Saturday, May 7, 2011

Becca's 1st Birthday Party - May 7th, 2011

Becca and Ethan both put on their party hats to help decorate for the party the next day

I made flower and ladybug cakeballs to go along with the ladybug themed party

And Mom made the cutest little ladybug cake

My Birthday Princess the morning of her party 

I made a banner to hang at her party to show Becca in each month of her first year.

Ethan was being such a great brother entertaining his sister while we were all getting ready for the party.

Poor Becca was a little under the weather for her party....
 ...but she still had a good time!!

We were so happy to have Missy, Billy and baby Will at her party! 

Becca and Olivia looked pretty cute in their party dresses...

Cake time!

Wardrobe change!

We were very grateful to have wonderful family and friends to come over and celebrate Becca's birthday with us. 

Opening all of her presents...


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