Monday, June 27, 2011

Becca's 1st Birthday - May 12th, 2011

What a year it has been! A year ago, my sweet, beautiful baby girl came into our lives. She, like her bother, is a constant light in our lives and brings us joy each and every day. It is so great watching her grow and and change and become a sweet, sassy, loveable little girl. Her brother is clearly the apple of her eye and she just follows his every move, watches him adoringly and wants to be involved with everything he is doing, and he is (usually) very patient with her and adores his sweet little sister just as much... I love watching their relationship grow and everytime he reaches out to hug her and give her a kiss it just melts my heart... She has made quite an impact on our little family and we love her more and more every day. Happy Birthday my little Beccafina!

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