Thursday, January 6, 2011

And Becca makes 4.....

May 12th, 2010

Another day that would change our lives as we knew it, and only make them better.... I didn't know it was possible for my heart to grow anymore than it did with teh birth of my precious baby boy, but it doubled in size the minute my beutiful baby girl was born....

As is typical with my babies, they can't make things easy on their Mamma and definitly will not pay any attention to a silly detail called a "due date". Ethan was born a week and a half early and his sister would simply NOT be outdone by her big brother and decided she would double what he did and come 3 weeks early... I began having some back pain on the night of the 11th that just simply wouldn't go away. We hadn't made our typical emergency trips to the hospital yet with this pregnancy, so we figured it was about time to make a "false alarm" trip to visit the nurses in Labor & Delivery and let them have a test run before the real thing... so, we got there, got some good meds to slow things down, and get through the night, but once the drugs wore off the pain came right back and they apparently decided that they couldn't send me home either in pain or with a 3 week precription for pain killers... so, while Chris was in the elevator getting ready to head home and check on Ethan, he overheard the nurses saying that they would be delivering me that very afternoon. No one had clued ME in on this plan, so thankfully he gave me a call and gave me the news... so, he did a quick wardrobe change and rushed back to the hospital just in time for me to head to the OR.

Rebecca Michelle Brock was born at 3:16pm, and a dainty 7 pounds 2 ounces.

My heart melted once again when I saw my baby girl for the first time. My heart just grows more and more every day that I spend with my 2 wonderful children. The love that I see between Ethan and Becca, a parent couldn't ask for a better gift than to see her children love each other. Here are our first moment as a family of 4.

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