Saturday, January 29, 2011

SNOW - January 26th, 2011

This past Wednesday we finally got our first REAL snow of the season. 10 inches of thick, wet, heavy snow. It took most people, who left at 3pm, 10-12 hours to get home from work. We got very lucky and while it took 45 minutes for him just to get out of the parking garage and another 45 minutes for him to go 15 feet before he realized that they were stuck only because a few cars had gotten themselves stuck in front of him. After he got out and helped them move off to the side, traffic finally got moving and he got home in about 45 minutes after that. 2 hours and 15 minutes wasn't a pleasant commute, but it is certainly better than what it could have been. After Daddy got home and Becca was in bed, we all headed out to do some shoveling and playing in the snow. It was still coming down very heavy, but it was a good test for Ethan's new snowsuit and he had a great time!!

 Very proud of his snow ball...
Look at that tongue!! 
 Snow Angels!
 No matter how cold he is, Ethan LOVES eating snow...

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