Wednesday, January 5, 2011

As if we needed more proof...

that Ethan is such a great little guy.... here is our first adventure at the dentist this morning...

First, we definitely picked the right office because they have a Thomas the Train table right in the lobby.... definitely a "win" in Ethan's eye. So, they had him at "hello"... But the hygienist was SO good and made a point to treat him like the special little patient, letting Mommy just be in the background, there if he needed me. He climbed up into the big "special" chair all by himself, smelled each toothpaste and picked out the one he wanted, and then he got to inspect each and every tool they were going to use before it went anywhere near his mouth. His favorite was the mirror, of course.

But, he acted like the little professional kid that I have always called him. It's like he just knows what he's supposed to do as if he has been doing it forever, from getting his very first shots and taking medicine, this kid has always impressed me and been such a pro at it all... So, just like he's been doing it forever, he opened his mouth big and wide and let them count his teeth - 18 down, 2 to go.... I am crossing my fingers that the last 2 don't give him much pain - 2 kids going through teething at once... NO THANK YOU!!

Once they counted all of his teeth, they used the "tickle" toothbrush and gave them a good cleaning and even used "Mr. Thirsty" to suck out his mouth.Needless to say, this Mommy was VERY impressed by her little guy.

When they were all through with everything, he got to go pick out a toy and got 4 stickers to strategically place all over his shirt, once again winning his little heart with Thomas stickers!

We went out for IHOP breakfast afterwards as a special treat for him doing SUCH a GREAT job.

I could not be more proud of how Ethan handles new and potentially scary situations. I have heard horror stories, and have some of my own, of kids at the dentist, and he just handled it like it was no big deal. What a brave little guy I have!

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